4 Options for Replacing a Dead iPad Battery

The iPad's battery is arguably its most important feature. After all, if your iPad doesn't have any power, it doesn't work. The iPad's battery is generally pretty good, but if your battery is starting to fail, you've got a problem. You can't easily swap out a failing battery for a new one because Apple designs its products with solid cases.

Don’t Fix Computers for Free

Do you feel like a heel if you don't want to fix computer problems for friends and family? Here are some of the reasons you shouldn't feel guilty. Like most IT pros, I have had plenty of friends and family members ask me to fix their PCs. Although I have always tried to help people whenever I can, I have come to the realization that with a few exceptions it is a bad idea to fix people's PCs for free.

iPhone Repair Techniques

A lot of fuss has been made about the iPhone’s lack of repairability ever since it debuted in 2007 without a removeable battery. Six years of design updates later and the iPhone is still as hard to tinker with as ever, unless of course you work at Apple. Along with detailed animations of the new iPhone 5s and 5c components, the exclusive shots below show the exact methods Apple staff use to repair broken iPhone 5s, thanks to...

How to Repair a Laptop: Some Simple Tips

Modern computers built from integrated circuits are very reliable, but they're not always so easy to fix. Laptops are a particular nuisance because they're miniaturized: all the parts are compact and jammed into a really tight space. Worse than that, some parts are made to fit only one specific machine. While the external keyboard for a desktop computer is an off-the-shelf component you can replace for a few dollars, the one on...



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